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lunedì 30 marzo 2009

Activities of the 24th solar cycle - part one

The unbearable heat powered by sirocco winds and intense rains, the continuing crisis peak nerve of some elements of the population resulting in baths of blood much like the media, could result from a natural cause. In other post we discussed the frequency of human beings is changing ever more closely to that previously tenevamo during sleep and randomly match that of planet Earth, resulting in the population increased intolerance to stress and situations of common life. But what happens if the magnetosphere of the Earth suddenly changed? The movie in question is taken from the site www.nibiru2012.it, I invite my readers to also read the discussion arising from the vision of the video, found on Youtube.

To better understand the video, please note, my reader, that on the right side you will see the flow of solar plasma that invests nearly 5 billion years our planet, while on the left side you will see in blue colored residues shown in space radiation crossing the Earth. This is just a taste of the effects that the 24th solar cycle, which started late by about six months compared with measurements taken over the last forty years with the start of the satellite. The peak is expected for the year 2012, just in time for a range of events at the global level should produce a tangible change in the lives of us all. To deepen your expertise, my reader, the operation of solar cycles, we reference to this link where you can see yourself as a card in the 60's solar activity was particularly intense.

Cicli solari

sabato 28 marzo 2009

Just a step away from the abyss you change all

It is no accident that even a skeptical person like myself - so I felt until yesterday-today is reflected in talk of a reality that is not owned or yesterday or tomorrow, but it is your and my day.


From many quarters we are told that we must leave to consume more, produce more, invest our money and have confidence.
Did he ever touched the idea that the real solution is not it? Have you ever thought that this could be the famous chasm before which change course?
The GDP is defined as "the total value of goods and services produced within a country in a certain interval of time (usually a year) and intended to end uses (consumption, investment, net exports)." The "value" is none other than the market value, or the prices at which they are actually sold these goods and services, but you should know that among the costs the GDP does not take into account the impact that production has on the environment.
Nevertheless be able to be self-sufficient in terms of my diet and do not cause any imbalance in the environment by practicing the so-called organic farming.
At a time where we talk more and more growth, the idea that I have done is rather that of an a-growth (from the greek, with the alpha privative, which indicates the absence), something that completely changes the way we of thinking, our economy and ultimately our lives.
To all happened at least once to hear talk of sustainable development.
The definition given by the UN in 1987 is this:
"Sustainable Development is development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs."
f in 1987 you could still talk in the abstract future generations now we realize that those same "generation" is us, not our children or grandchildren.
In this regard I want to show a pattern that you will find, as always, on wikipedia

Sviluppo sostenibile
Imagine our world as these sets. Environment, Economics and Social are the pillars of the Human.
The proper relationship between the environment and the social sphere creates the conditions of life, understood as the ability to stay healthy in our world.
Similarly the relationship between the society and must generate economic equity, understood as an economy not only profit-oriented but also to individuals.
Continuing, the relationship between environment and economy must be feasible, or feasible from both points of view.
All this gives rise to the concept of sustainability.
The whole is then enclosed in a macro-set which is called "culture", but this, my reader will speak shortly.