venerdì 12 dicembre 2008
Numbers and connections
I write back to my player to talk of numbers and connections. As that number ports behind you because you remember happy moments, or what number that brings with it a meaning or just trivial scaramantico. The numbers I would like to speak with you are numbers related to a particular branch of the Jewish cabala, called gematria, which assigns each letter of the Hebrew alphabet a numerical value, such as to associate with each letter of the Old Testament of the Christians a numerical value that reflects or is some form of relationship between different names. For instance, my reader, who believes in the ability of the cabala to derive and assign each word to a numeric value, something that happens in communities and more conservative of the Orthodox Jewish world, believes that even a report that combines the world of numbers. In different times it was believed that the numbers were the letters with which God wrote the universe with mathematics and physics to make it from "grammar book" and "text". Taking these reports for possible alphanumeric Cabalisti the strongest push to believe that in the calculations derived from the Bible is written for us the entire history of man and its implications. I, dear reader, I will only show the results of these accounts through a small software found for the event, to which you refer yourself to see what I was before: I am putting Google in front of a numeric value identical to that of a infernal demon of blood, but also and above all, the word Messiah and Immanhel, known to us as Emmanuel, the name of the first Messiah declared in scriptures of the Old Testament Christian. Going forward, we obtain an equivalence for Obama for the word Gmlial, malevolent force for the Jews but also equivalents for the English word humility, humility and translated as a voodoo deity. In short, you can discover many small coincidences but surprises, my reader, do not end there. Carefully observing the Jewish calendar, you can even discover you like the system for calculating the years is quite complex and it is a mixture of calculations derived from the motion of the sun and moon. Based on complex calculations, you can get a precise date of the festival equivalent to our new year. Well, in 2001, the Jewish New Year fell on 18 November 2001, at 7 days from attack terror that shook the world and on which a mystery still hangs on sponsors and performers. A coincidence, my reader, who took me to do a search back in the annals of other connections, for the sheer sake of wandering among the possible links between numbers, dates, and events.So going back 30 years to arrive until 1971, when the BR in Italy are starting to claim victims (January 25), ending the convertibility gold / dollar (August 15) and September 11 (!) Died on the political leader of 'USSR Nikita Khrushchev. Thirty years following this thread, between the years of war arrive in a historical period in which connections are dense. In 1791, when the Jewish New Year falls on September 18, Mozart composed the Magic Flute, The Masonic opera par excellence. In the same year, a historic fact: France is written in the Constitution from which the great legacy of the Enlightenment. Going back even 30 years back we find the curious mathematical demonstration of a defined number irrational own in 1761: the most notorious greek, known to those who have practiced a little bit of math when they had to go and calculate the area or the circumference of a circle. Making a leap of 60 years are rather the foundation of Yale, known for being the home of the most important Masonic lodge they officially admitted to the George W. Bush and Kerry, just to mention two names. I'm talking about my player of the Skull & Bones, whose members were also fondatari first advocates for the creation of a modern intelligence service organized. Coincidences, of course, too thin the thread that unites a numerical correspondence related to recurrence of the Jewish new year that relate to events in various ways the recent history and the occult forces which have moved in the gorges of the story. I leave you with a final agreement, dating back to 1671, when a man tried to steal the jewels of the crown but was found drunk soaked by guards, brought before the king and imprisoned. Incomprehensibly that same man was not only forgiven by the king, but was admitted to the court, covered with honors and did become a lord of the crown. Nobody knows what they managed to so soften the heart of the king of England.
sabato 11 ottobre 2008
A shiver down my spine
I'll be back against all odds now that the winds of crisis begins to be felt. I re, my reader, to remain at the window to wait, observe, watch and reflect. But the debate still has not been helpful, and ever present who is able to sniff the air without fear has the duty to warn about the risks and other compact construction of something better. Professor Roubini, the greatest expert on world economy could have foreseen this crisis in particular, already in 2006, returns to pay off the heels of the media all over the world. And it does so devastating:"the train of global recession has already started, this will mark the end of the U.S. in the world, collapsed in on itself after years of economic policies and evil to create a self-finance. If the world's governments will not intervene in a very strong crisis through the real economy. " A shiver down my spine, my fears incoffessabili spiattellate there by a specialist, thinking that my ego branded as paranoid spiattellate there by Professor Roubini, graduated from the Bocconi University, coming from a Jewish family but with a past in Islamic land. A range of theories plots there ready to be put on the table, some of them with factors very close to the chronicle of our newspapers. One of the steps that could disrupt short is already in place, cleverly disguised the high responsibility that the media in spreading the panic. The real economy is already under stress. Faced with a price of petrol almost halved compared to last, small and medium enterprises have great difficulty finding banks willing to lend money on credit. Not for lack of confidence in the system that currently produces money without financial mechanisms abstract, but because the banks between them do not lend money. To explain better, my reader, think about the banking system as a human body. Money is like blood that is used to oxygenate every cell, comparable in this case, users at the counter. When the blood is not circulating, the body is not oxygenated and threatens the gangrene. Add to all this that the "body bank" suffers from a severe collapse and is kept alive by "blood bags" provided by governments. This blood is not able to put in motion the circulatory system because of the leeches (speculators professionals) take away the blood "body bank" while it should go in a circle. I do not want to be a forcaiolo, my reader, but read carefully the economic newspaper in Italy and abroad, you can easily discover how you too during these weeks, just before the closure of stock exchanges, some specialists use a financial artifices to bet on a downward title listed on the stock market and doubled in half the losses of the title in their sights. With governments forced to keep open the taps to ensure the solvency of the current accounts of citizens, some brokers will provide a river of money almost continuous using their real power on the ability of the stock market to its collapse banks and companies very solid. To close I would go back on words to Roubini, "If the world's governments will not intervene with strong decisions." A scenario in which governments around the world coordinate their work, with one voice, with different interests that necessarily leads to two ways: governments united under a strong economic leadership of the new duopoly China and India, new lights of the century in which we live, evil or a war between the survivors to win markets and restart the economy with brutal methods. The second way is already lost, in 1913, when Britain wanted to maintain their economic hegemony by focusing on gold and trying to appreciate the sterling against the dollar. The story tells how the American president of Wall Street was closed to defend the dollar, leverage its industry and present in 1917 as an economic power and political theater of the war in Europe. We all know how he ended. At least 7 years the world has changed. We are still inside the carousel and we can not know for sure where to end. But we can know what we know: the future is not written anywhere. The future we build it, my dear reader, watching and acting. The Sentinel has already moved, something approaching the horizon. Now is the time to act.
martedì 29 luglio 2008
The time of greetings
When I was young I fought hard to defend what was mine and to defend what they still had to be mine. Now in old age are bringing me the way all because of you young people. Where are you finished? There are no more damn buildings not move there. I can only hope for a civil war that changes everything, you can no longer hope.
From these words, spoken by my uncle for 54 years, I leave you my reader. I shared with you my ideas, my impressions, my fears and my hopes, we read each other in the center and questioned the ways in which we live the world. I have identified in yourself to follow a path of knowledge, but as I said from the beginning, everything has a beginning has an end, it is time to take our streets back for the world to live our lives in the world every day. It is not a dream or a nightmare that you have suggested, to put it in the manner of some old fox I have just put a pair of glasses so you can see the world less blurry. I have promised to let you know who holds the threads of this world, I will do at the end of this post just to let some sort of remembrance of me. I am posting by you to better expand my knowledge, to enable others to be alive in this world of many dormant and some awake, some somnambulist that moves without knowing it but not know where to direct their steps. A top that has inspired me more over the years of my aging does not belong to any important man in history has known or has vaguely heard of, but is one of those few words that I have built slowly explores the evil in order to understand the good. That so sounds a bit strange but let me explain better, my reader: if I simply know the good to understand evil, maybe I would not know what good can be done only to justify the evil? What would happen if the difficulties of life, the sad evidence that the case, chaos, and our decisions lead us require us to know first hand the evil in its forms, to better appreciate what is good? The wicked end in itself, the bitter envy, insults and slaps, the cunning deceit are all ways you closer to knowing what is evil but not so. Learn to know, to avoid it, to see when it appears not to be succubbe. You can help prevent or stop it, because through the knowledge of evil Get the full awareness of the good that you know in your life, but you will never be able to understand with the only knowledge: how can you forgive the murderer of a person to you dear? How can you embrace, without rancor about you inusltato and sbeffeggiato? All this can never result from the knowledge of good, your and my mind refuses to conceive such an act. Only his understanding, formerly known by contrast with its opposite, you can taste good, feel good, feel before it occurs over time and to distribute it before it is actually necessary. With these words I leave you, my reader. Links attached to the photos you will find what you were probably still trying.
mercoledì 23 luglio 2008
Marketing plots: the curiosity becomes a commodity
Some time ago I came across an article in great detail in the output of the desired Iphone 2.0, the object of worship in a country where over 60 million people at least 58 million people have a mobile phone. One of the funny aspects of the story, besides the fact to discover how many spend a relatively high figure in times of stagflazione (search on wikipedia) for economic innovation, but an object whose functions can be found in devices less obvious, is the discovery by a zealous journalist from a section of where Apple is concerned about traces of building meta-cryptic to create a form of free advertising on the tam-tam of the Web about alleged hidden messages in the advertisements. Some bloggers have noted that in all the presentations dell'Iphone the clock shows the hours 09:42. A sequence number that linked to the delivery cabala words like death, destruction and apocalypse. As the world who live with me, my reader, is quite a place fraught with obstacles and paranoia pumped from our media, nothing wrong if someone thinks something to gain dall'annichilimento of our ability and critical distinction of the curious things than imaginative. Just playing on this ambiguity of the fund, on the return of the bossy new age and the quest for spirituality which is cyclically stronger when reason falters, that's nice that our capitalist system creates a new market: advertising oblique. I'll study a detail table from which to derive a theory fascinating but unfounded, I put the item in turn to art and to deny having made such an act to surround a piece of scrap hyper-expensive and mysticism. Here's the new frontier of marketing, making even the common everyday objects new mystics, able to open visions first closed. An operation that probably is not limited only to the goods. At the recent case of Google Trends, which has had to eliminate the traces of a search morbid about the symbol of the Nazi swastika, I could see that some information flows in the network can be effectively channeled through use "doped" engine research. Thinking of the Internet as a spider's web (the web, by definition) Google, Yahoo and all search engines in their ceaseless work of indexing are as smistatori online traffic as the major highways directed towards housing. Paradoxically, even if you build a site comparable to a five star hotel and not the fellow to highways built by search engines, your hotel is as if it did not exist. Visibility into network determines your life: if you are not indexed and accessible, it's as if they exist. You can do it yourself, my reader, a search on Google Trends alternately inserting words such as New World Order, Illuminati and all the keywords that run around the most common theories plots. Notice anything? Courage, good looking graphics. All names that have begun to move since 2004 and had a peak in 2005. In the case of the most famous American Masonic such as Rockefeller, it is interesting to note that in Web searches on their behalf have been made primarily from Italy and there is cited Augusta between cities more intrigued by the family of American billionaires. That is that Augusta, as well as being an important oil city of Sicily, is the name of the main hubs of the network covering the south-eastern Sicily, in particular Catania, a town in Italy known for being one of the most influential branches of the Great East d'Italia, the main Masonic organization recognized by the Italian Republic. Do not get to this point arises the doubt, my reader, that this wave of information has been artatamente made available to all to confuse us even more about the subtle textures that weave our destinies, to divide us in pursuing the reconstruction of the alleged truth of things and at the same time make us mentally sterile and properties in acting? You confessed that this doubt has crept into me, my reader, always left me with one more conviction: those who say that they have the only truth is the one which we must impose a distorted vision of reality. Who makes you see things with your eyes warning is at least honest. The one thing that senses and your mind can embrace without being burned or misled is the voice of your heart, and it is one that can better guide us in this journey, my reader, inexplicable in the folds of our material and spiritual life.
giovedì 10 luglio 2008
A response to the aid
Today, my reader, I want to tell of how the writing of this post has been interrupted by such a search provides unexpected. I intended to write about how our state of numbness we're dragging nell'abulia and in property, killing the first of our mind and our soul reflection, making the body an empty simulacrum of human mercificabile according to the rules of capitalism. I was about to start writing this when all of a sudden I felt the need to read that I had always skipped, something which I had not felt remotely desire to know and a curiosity as both humoral instinctive me to browse. Here I am in front of a post where someone like me trying to put together the pieces of knowledge past, reports of the days when the sun rises in the east and west, the explanation of how the Schumann frequency emitted from Earth, measured as early as 1800, is in constant growth since 1986, the certainty that man has already survived a change in the Earth's polarity, describing how the course of the Sun has changed from west to east to be applied because of the direction of Earth's rotation. One surprise that comes from this explanation that tries to show who is nourished by our Abul, for what purposes, but also tells us of our uniqueness in the universe, repeatedly reiterated in the sacred texts to choose which man their own way and who send their energies. A journey that will take you into a Matrix (from the Latin, lett .= uterus) that at times you feel like you have already read my reader, and that I have unconsciously described until now. A story that will take us, my reader, to know how to fight the enemies listed above, others are just like our deluded. My wonder and my curiosity can be linked in reading this story to your. Click on image below to get access to this knowledge.
venerdì 4 luglio 2008
The mysterious genius of Nikola Tesla
This name will be familiar, my reader, if you've ever had to do with any electrical circuit, you have never studied the difference between electric current and alternating current, have you ever seen who discovered electromagnetism land, the existence of radio waves in space or have heard of Tesla as one who has contended in Marconi's invention of wireless telegraphy. Nikola Tesla had a fascinating life, all his theories and calculations for the construction of generators of the alternating current reached in those few hours of sleep that was after long days of study, both in physics and philosophy, which led to also studying 19 hours a day. He himself stated in his autobiography to dream how far his building tools and speaking with someone about to confront the operation of its mecacnismi. There are those who are ready to swear that it was successful in the'30s after his experience in Colorado Springs to build the first electric car in history, taking advantage of the alternating current generated by the thrust of the wheels and the working of the conductivity of the crust of the Earth ' electricity. Experienced as the energy released by lightning when it falls on the Earth is distributed over large distances, there are those who succeeded in their studies funded by JP Morgan to illuminate light bulbs for km and km away channeling the energy of a lightning bolt through the its equipment, originally planted in the ground, then with the discovery of electrical conductivity of the ionosphere, using radio waves ionized, similar to an electrical circuit that uses air as a conductive material. If you think well, my reader, all this experience every day when you turn a radio that picks up frequencies ionized wave frequency modulated (FM) that exploit the principle that Marconi was worth the Nobel Prize for Physics. After the rediscovery of patents filed by Tesla (U.S. patents # 645.76 and # 649621) the invention of wireless telegraphy has been made in Tesla, and his death in poverty all his studies and his research were dall'FBI secret. The reason? Here, my reader, I have to make a small leap of imagination, I hope only that the hypothesis is not you too hyperbolic for you. Looking for alternative sources and less reliable, it seems that Tesla had guessed as the electrical conductivity of the ionosphere and the Earth could be used as a military weapon. Through un'apporto initial energy, it would be possible to launch un'impulso electricity to millions of kilometers away with a force that can wipe out an entire army. There is also a place that was designated for testing, or the location of Tunguska (see also on wikipedia), which not only inspire films and videogames, according to some is the place where the only events of pulse experiment enhanced electrical purposes war. A fascinating theory about one of the best minds of the twentieth century in which perhaps we should know more.
lunedì 30 giugno 2008
UFOs are as described in the art and the sacred texts
Let's now talk about an issue taken into account recently by the Catholic Church. In perfect timing with some indications that the event would manifest the existence of intelligent extra terrestrial life by 2010, in time to prepare for other forms of life to a cosmic event planned for 2012 (!), We take into account the trace history of extraterrestrial life on our planet. First, you must remember, my reader, that statistically the existence of intelligent life in space is likely high because of many planetary systems existing and suitable to life and the fact that human existence is proof that intelligent life in 'universe is possible. Using a little 'imagination, we can imagine the forms of life on our planet evolved to levels similar to or higher than ours. Think only what the reptile would have become if a few million years ago were not extinct: the rettiliani are the lords of the earth, while all the mammals from which he came out of the man would be condemned to remain in the undergrowth. Paradoxically, our scientists already know that in the event of nuclear war the only survivors would be cockroaches resistant to radiation, the next rulers of the Earth. Take then with a mixture of curiosity and skepticism of the UFO categories proposed here, and see if any of them seems a bit more familiar. Meanwhile you want to show some alleged apparitions of objects familiar to us represented by artists of the past to get an idea of how we might be traces of a previous step of beings different from us in history. Personally I find much more interesting the story narrated in the apocryphal book of Enoch (check on wikipedia, the content section you will find a brief summary of the opera), rejected by the texts of the Hebrew Bible and Christian Bible, but included in the Christian Copts, which 200 speaks of the union between angels and women, which generated the Nefelim, who come into contact with humans caused problems for the Earth and corrupt, unleashing the wrath of God covered the earth with the flood waters of the universal (my reader, copy the text into a file and print it to read it easily later). An angel among incestuous these men taught metallurgy and other arts that man away from the grace of God, a po 'like Prometheus ripping knowledge of fire to the gods drew upon himself the wrath of Olympus. What is interesting is how the definition of angels as creatures from the sky is compatible not only with the image that the ancients could have an UFO, but it is compatible with the explanation of some evolutionary step of our species in relatively narrow . Something comparable to the universal deluge can be compared to a tsunami, generated by an asteroid crashed to Earth or the dissolution of the icecaps raising sea level. The Maya culture speaks of beings similar to Nefelim, referring to them under the name of Annunaki. To have tracks of the giants in the history of man suffice to mention the most famous poem of all time, the Odyssey in which recent studies of the Rockefeller University (keep in mind the name Rockefeller, hear him repeat often) have a date as the assumption real astronomical references described by Homer in the course of his work (see article appeared in the Corriere della Sera).
Do not start to feel less alone in this vast universe, my reader? Referral to the next occasion the description of alien known to man since antiquity with the name of Archangel Michael. It seems that his name is Asthar Sheran, although in this case, my dear reader, it seems to me to be in front of an invention new age to bring the faithful to Buddhism. A small scam by revealing a bit of patience. Good depth and the next, my reader.
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