Time to a new era

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martedì 29 luglio 2008

The time of greetings

When I was young I fought hard to defend what was mine and to defend what they still had to be mine. Now in old age are bringing me the way all because of you young people. Where are you finished? There are no more damn buildings not move there. I can only hope for a civil war that changes everything, you can no longer hope.

From these words, spoken by my uncle for 54 years, I leave you my reader. I shared with you my ideas, my impressions, my fears and my hopes, we read each other in the center and questioned the ways in which we live the world. I have identified in yourself to follow a path of knowledge, but as I said from the beginning, everything has a beginning has an end, it is time to take our streets back for the world to live our lives in the world every day. It is not a dream or a nightmare that you have suggested, to put it in the manner of some old fox I have just put a pair of glasses so you can see the world less blurry. I have promised to let you know who holds the threads of this world, I will do at the end of this post just to let some sort of remembrance of me. I am posting by you to better expand my knowledge, to enable others to be alive in this world of many dormant and some awake, some somnambulist that moves without knowing it but not know where to direct their steps. A top that has inspired me more over the years of my aging does not belong to any important man in history has known or has vaguely heard of, but is one of those few words that I have built slowly explores the evil in order to understand the good. That so sounds a bit strange but let me explain better, my reader: if I simply know the good to understand evil, maybe I would not know what good can be done only to justify the evil? What would happen if the difficulties of life, the sad evidence that the case, chaos, and our decisions lead us require us to know first hand the evil in its forms, to better appreciate what is good? The wicked end in itself, the bitter envy, insults and slaps, the cunning deceit are all ways you closer to knowing what is evil but not so. Learn to know, to avoid it, to see when it appears not to be succubbe. You can help prevent or stop it, because through the knowledge of evil Get the full awareness of the good that you know in your life, but you will never be able to understand with the only knowledge: how can you forgive the murderer of a person to you dear? How can you embrace, without rancor about you inusltato and sbeffeggiato? All this can never result from the knowledge of good, your and my mind refuses to conceive such an act. Only his understanding, formerly known by contrast with its opposite, you can taste good, feel good, feel before it occurs over time and to distribute it before it is actually necessary. With these words I leave you, my reader. Links attached to the photos you will find what you were probably still trying.

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